For over 20 years Bioline has been engaged in the development and manufacture of one of the broadest portfolios of premium quality PCR enzymes for use in a wide range of applications. Bioline's commitment to PCR-based research is demonstrated with the introduction of MyFi™ RANGER and the MyTaq™ product range, a new generation of highest performance DNA...
SensiFAST™ One-Step kits deliver reliable and highly reproducible data on all real-time instruments, ideal for the new generation of fast PCR cyclers.
SensiFAST™ Two-Step kits deliver reliable and highly reproducible data on all real-time instruments, ideal for the new generation of fast PCR cyclers.
Bioline's new ISOLATE kits for DNA and RNA are designed for fast and efficient isolation of high-quality, high-purity nucleic acids from a wide range of starting materials, including animal tissue, cultured cells, buccal swabs, fecal samples, bacterial cells and plant tissue. Isolated DNA and RNA are suitable for all downstream applications.
Since 1992, Bioline has been actively involved in the development and manufacture of ultra-pure deoxynucleotides (dNTPs). The state-of-the-art enzymatic manufacturing processes and facilities, stringent quality assurance and control systems, produce dNTPs with the highest level of quality and performance, crucial for sensitive techniques and critical...
As part of our ever growing commitment to help you - the scientist - make the most informed decision while selecting your tools for your work, we have provided the product inserts and protocols for you to have a look at before deciding. This will greatly help you when planning your protocols and also help in answeing any technical questions that you may...